Monday, September 26, 2022

List Iteration using for:each in LWC


Hi Folks, In this blog we will try to understand, How we can iterates over a List using for:each in LWC.

To render a list of items in LWC, We have to use for:each directive and to access the current item we have to use for:item="currentItem".

We have to also assign a key to the first element in the nested template, for this we have to use the key={uniqueId} directive.

In this example we iterates over a list called conList, which is defined in the component’s JavaScript class.

To get the data, our component wires an Apex method. The Apex method makes a SOQL query that returns a list of contacts as given below:-

public with sharing class IterationAccountController {
public static List<Contact> conData(){
return[Select Id,lastName,firstName,Name from Contact ];

The component’s JavaScript code imports the Apex method and invokes it via the wire service. 


import { LightningElement,wire,track } from 'lwc';
import conData from '@salesforce/apex/IterationAccountController.conData';

export default class Iterations_lwc extends LightningElement {

@track error;
@track conList;

@wire (conData,{}) cntctData({error,data}){


The template uses the if:true directive to check whether the conList property is truthy. If it is, it iterates over it and renders the name of each contact.


<lightning-card title="Contact List using for:each" icon-name="standard:contact">
<div class="slds-p-around_medium">
<template if:true={conList} for:each={conList} for:item="con">
<div key={con.Id}>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<LightningComponentBundle xmlns="">


If you have any comments or queries about this, please feel free to mention them in the comments section below.

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